Меню KDT
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  • Jobs for developers

    BMC CRM - customer relationship management system

    A customer relationship management system helps automate sales processes and improve the company's interactions with customers

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    Reference and information social network AGARTU.KZ

    A social network where a user can ask a question and get a qualified answer, promote his business himself by answering users' questions, exchanging information with participants.

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    Kazakhstan Social Network of Education OTAN-BILIM.KZ

    A platform for building effective communication between teachers, students and their parents, discussing new approaches to learning, in order to achieve a high level of education of children and

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    BMC CMS - content management system

    The developed content management system makes it possible to easily and quickly edit and supplement information on your website or web service. CRM system functions are also connected

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    BMC Sales is an open platform for business development www.kdt.kz

    This is a platform for building active communications with consumers based on the principles of mutual respect and trust, here everyone can create their own service demanded by consumers and earn

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    BMS SALES Unified trading platform is an effective promotion system

    A service-oriented network uniting manufacturers and sellers of school clothes, allowing all participants to reduce unproductive expenses and dramatically increase the efficiency of their business.

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    "COMMODITY DISTRIBUTION NETWORK" - a modern system for building effective sales

    This is a way to create effective sales chains by bringing together participants to share their platform services in order to gain undeniable competitive advantages.

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    BMC Sales Production Project - School and children

    Production of high-quality and comfortable clothes for children, environmentally friendly and modern, conforming to all norms and requirements of product safety, the key to success and

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    The project "TOURIST CLUSTER OF KAZAKHSTAN" is a center for the development of domestic tourism

    The project is aimed at forming and strengthening the tourist image of the regions and Kazakhstan as a whole, and the tourism cluster will help create a unified network of tourist routes connecting

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    A patented child safety system that includes services: access control to school and classrooms, e-canteen, e-library, automation of educational process planning.

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    New Format Markets Project (Association of Trade Enterprises)

    A new format of joint work of markets, trade enterprises and the service sector, which allows combining the traditions of the oriental bazaar with modern methods and methods of electronic commerce

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    The main task of credit partnerships is to make financial services accessible to the rural population and thus open up opportunities for the development of small and medium—sized businesses in rural

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    fromkz.ru - portal selling goods produced in Kazakhstan

    Online store for Russia with goods produced in Kazakhstan, you can become a member of the trading network by selling high-quality goods of domestic manufacturers

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    Fromru.kz - portal selling goods produced in Russia

    Online store with goods produced in Russia in Kazakhstan, you can become a member of the trading network by selling high-quality goods of Russian manufacturers

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    Improve your business strategies!